A Potato Cod snappied from a video taken at Cod Hole near Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef |
A Clown Trigger snappied from a video taken on Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea
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A Maori Wrasse snappied from video taken at Cod Hole near Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef |
A White Tip Shark snappied from a video taken near the North Horn of Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea |
A Yellow Boxfish snappied from video taken on Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea |
A Barracuda snappied from a video taken under the Reef Explorer in the Coral Sea |
An Octopus snappied from a video taken in the vicinity of the 'Machaca Dive Site' off Captain Don's Dock in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. This was the first mobile octopus I've ever gotten on video. |
A Seahorse snappied from a video taken under the Town Pier in Kralendyjk, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles |
A Spotted Moray snappied from a video taken in the vicinity of the 'Machaca Dive Site' off Captain Don's Dock in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles |
A Hermit Crab snappied from a video taken near the North Horn of Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea |
A Fireworm snappied from video taken under the Town Pier in Kralendyjk, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles |
A Tiger Grouper snappied from a video taken in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles |
A Lionfish snappied from a video taken on Steve's Bombi near Aguincourt Dive Site on the Great Barrier Reef only nine feet from the surface. |
A smiling Parrotfish snappied from a video taken in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles |
A beautiful Violet Tipped Anemone snappied from a video taken on Grand Cayman Island |
A "Cleaner Shrimp" doing its job inside a yellow anemone snappied from a video taken on Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands |
A French Angel snappied from video taken on Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands |
An African Pompano snappied from a video taken off a Public Beach at night on Grand Cayman Island |
A Yellow Flatworm snappied from a video taken on Aguincourt Dive Site on the Great Barrier Reef |
A Shy Hamlet snappied from a video taken in the Cayman Islands |
A beautiful Violet Bulbed Anemone snappied from a video taken on Grand Cayman Island |